Today, I am talking about writing a note just to write one. Peyton and I have a dear friend, Virginia, who sent us this card in the mail last week:
Now, congratulations via text and Facebook are wonderful, but there is something so personal about a card that someone took the time to pick out, write a personal note, address, and pay postage for. That, to me, says that she cares a lot about us. Within this brief little note, Virginia congratulated us, complimented us, and encouraged us. She made us feel special.
Isn't that an important thing? A worthy goal? To make the people in our lives feel special? I think so.
I will be the first to say I don't do this often enough. As one of my 101 goals over 1001 days, I intended to write a "letter of encouragement" to someone at least once a week. Well, I was a bit ambitious. Having a child (albeit a very easy going, well behaved child) was a bit more of a time constraint than I anticipated. Ahem. That said, you make time for the things that are important to you and in this endeavor, I have failed mightily. Virginia's note showed me how important such a thing is, though, and that I must not let it go. Corresponding with ink and paper is something I will chose to be diligent about.
***Images in this post courtesy of Country Living and our sweet friend.